Monday, November 12, 2012


Clenbuterol, also referred to as the "Size Zero Pill" is a drug widely used by body builders and dieters who want to lose weight fast. It is widely acclaimed as a miracle diet pill that will help one get to "Size Zero," the smallest dress size available. Clenbuterol is used by many celebrities who want to lose weight fast. Many fans of these celebrities also follow in their footsteps by taking the pill. Most people who take the drug prefer the tablet form over the liquid form. The most common Clenbuterol dosage is 20mcg but 40mcg is also available. Most men take about 5 to 8 pills a day while women take between 1 to 4 pills. The dosage one should take depends on how well they are responding to the drug's side effects.

If you want to start using Clenbuterol, it is more advisable that you create a tolerance for the dosage through a cycle. 20 to 40mcg per day is advisable for first time users. After using Clenbuterol for 3 to 4 weeks, the drug's nerve stimulation and fat burning effects start to slow down. After 6 to 8 weeks, the drug loses its thermogenic effects causing your body temperature to drop back to normal. Its anti-catabolic/anabolic properties fade away around the 18th day. This is why the drug should be taken in an on-and-off cycle to make it more effective. You should create a cycle that lasts around two to three weeks before stopping the drug's usage and starting the process all over again. Using Clenbuterol for a long period of time is not recommended.

How Clenbuterol Works
The drug works by rapidly increasing the body's functions. It speeds up blood pressure, aerobic capacity, oxygen burning, protein burning, and fat burning. The drug stimulates the central nervous system by acting like adrenaline. This makes it an excellent drug for people who want to lose weight quickly.

The drug quickens thermogenesis causing your blood pressure to rise, your body's core temperature to increase, and your heart to become stimulated. Thermogenesis combined with the quick burning of fats and proteins results in an increased metabolic rate. More calories are burnt and fat is shed off, leading to rapid weight loss. Clenbuterol effectively reverses the effects of insulin and hinders its actions. This process causes released glycogen to be converted into glucose in the blood stream. Glycogen is therefore hindered from being produced causing you to lose weight.